Metal-Detecting for Coins, Jewelry, and More

Getting Started With Metal-Detecting

It's fairly simple to start metal-detecting. The most important things you'll need are a metal detector, a sense of adventure, and some determination.

You'll also need somewhere to look for treasures. Many people start with their own backyard; you might be surprised what's below the surface on your own property.

Beaches are also popular places for metal-detecting.



Interactive Activities & Ideas for Kids to Dive into Earth Science and Geology

Rocks, Minerals, and Precious Stones


All About Rocks and Rock Collecting

Earth is made up of rocks, and it’s fascinating to study geology to learn more about Earth’s composition. Rocks come in all shapes and sizes, and they fall under three main categories,

which are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The way rocks are formed will determine their category.

Anyone can learn about rocks, and rock collecting is a fun hobby that’s directly connected to the study of rocks.



Asbestos Mining and Exposure

Asbestos was once considered a “miracle mineral” for its heat resistance and durability.

This fibrous mineral has been mined because of these useful properties since early Greek civilization and is still mined in many parts of the world today.

Miner and



Click on the Doug Gibbons Card to get to his website

If you know of any good links, please email them to me.

For Kids Link Below

Mineralogy Resource Guide for Kids

Fellow Prospector Pages

Wilderness Walkabouts

David LaRocque

Mining Directories and interesting sites, Geology, Kimberlite, Diamonds ect.

Ontario Prospectors Association

Porcupine Prospectors and Developers Association

Sault & District Prospectors' Association

Boreal Prospectors Association

Southern Ontario Prospectors Association

Sudbury Prospectors & Developers Association

The Mining Association of Canada

Gold Prospectors Association of America

InfoMine your Mining Information Source

Mineralogy Database

Minerals by Name

Gold Prospecting - Gold Panning

Geology & Earth Science

Athena Mineral Pictures

List of all mineral names

Accurate Locators - Metal Detectors

40 Common Minerals

Metal Detectors -


Peter Kathmann